Shoalnet/Fastrac Internet Services  
image from the Shoalhaven
Kids Stuff
General Links
Consumer Links
icon and link for ABC Kids ABC For Kids: Kids section of the ABC. Excellent site for kids. Has links for education, games, puzzles and many other things.
icon and link to Crayola Crayons for kids Crayola Crayons for Kids: Homepage of Crayola Crayons. Lots of games and eductational material.
icon and link to Teletubbies Teletubbies: Homepage of the Teletubbies
icon and link to The Wiggles The Wiggles: Homepage of the Australian supergroup - The Wiggles!
Thomas & Friends Thomas & Friends: Homepage of Thomas & Friends
Sesame Street Sesame Street: Sesame Street Workshop
School Links:
Funbrain Funbrain: Education Site for K-8 Kids & Teachers
icon and link to ABC Education resources ABC Learn: ABC's online resources
icon and link to AskNow AskNow: National, State and Territory libraries in Australia have joined forces to provide an innovative service for all Australians - AskNow - Australia's first collaborative reference service.
icon and link to Ask Jeeves Kids Ask Jeeves Kids Ask Jeeves for Kids allows you to ask a question in plain English and, after interacting with you to confirm the question, Ask Jeeves for Kids takes you to one and only one web site that answers your question.
icon and link to Australian Universities EDNA: Australian gateway to resources and services for education and training
icon and link to NSW HSC Online HSC Online: A valuable site for HSC students and teachers.
icon and link to a maths dictionay for kids A Maths dictionary for kids: An animated, interactive dictionary for students whcih explains over 500 common mathematical terms in simple language.
icon and link to MacquarieNet MacquarieNet is the first comprehensive online reference library specially designed for Australian parents, students and teachers – at home and at school.
logo and link to NSW Dept of School Education NSW Dept of Education and Training's Schools Website
logo and link to NSW Board of Studies NSW Board of Studies: Essential Educational Resources for Australian Teachers and Students
icon and link to an online dictionary site Online Dictionary
icon and link to an online thesaurus Online Thesaurus
icon and link to a text translation site Online text translation service
icon and link to PICMAN PICMANThe PICMAN catalogue contains records of the pictures, manuscripts,oral history and printed posters collections of the Mitchell Library, Sir William Dixson Library and Dixson Galleries catalogued since 1992 .
logo and link to Shoalhaven City Library's online Catalogue Shoalhaven City Library's Catalogue: Search for and reserve books for your projects from the Shoalhaven City Council's Library
Just For Fun
icon and link to cyberKids Cyberkids: Puzzles, Games and other educational material.
icon and link to Disney.Com : The Disney Homepage. A huge site that will keep kids entertained for hours. Loads of games and puzzles, as well as sounds and pictures of all the favourite Disney cartoons. (Warning, this site is rather large, and can take some time to load - Worth the wait though!)
icon and link to Kids space Kids-Space.Org: "By Kids, for Kids" - This site is developed by kids. An excellent site for education links and for teaching children about how Webpages work.
icon and link to ABC rollercoaster Rollercoaster:The hippest place for 8 - 14 year olds to hang around and play games online, provided by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation
icon and link to Yahooligans Yahooligans : Kids section of the popular search engine, Yahoo. An excellent page for finding other children focussed Websites.


 © Shoalnet Fastrac Internet Services 2007